Montag, 31. August 2015

Sometimes, the neon light in a supermarket is brighter than the people are inside it


On Sunday
I went grocery shopping 
like a zombie


I wandered through the aisles
and got friendly only with the paving tiles 


when I couldn't reach the top shelf
I realized,
I wasn't able to ask for help

so I pressed myself through the sliding door again
and cycled back,

like a maniac


in the evening sun, unfortunately, my shadow arrived at home first


later on,

when I lay awake at night with hunger pangs,

I got humble again


I guess,
you can't only live on brain food

but hey,
missing you feels kind of good

Freitag, 28. August 2015

my sofa


restless bodies always travel

it's a bitter feeling not knowing whether to stop or go


they told me that time-machines don't exist,
but I'm not so sure

maybe we are always everywhere
and always gone

maybe we are always nowhere
and still moving on


I once bought a sofa in a thrift store

 - it came to me from the Seventies-

the moment I wanted to get rid of it
you sat on it and made love to me


now it's still here
while you are gone

but somehwere in the Seventies

--I'm sure

the three of us are still going strong

(August 28th 2015)