Donnerstag, 14. August 2014

I just found this on my computer, I wrote it in October 2013 and completely forgot about it, I kinda like it :-)

Yesterday, I bled into my panties and there was no toilet paper left in the club I hung out until 4 in the morning and when I woke up today I tried to wash the blood out, so I put the panties into the sink added steaming hot water and listened to daughter and their beautiful song youth on my iPhone when it fell into this very sink full of steaming hot water and bloody underwear and I was late for work.
No, not just late. Half a day is not late anymore. I had a headache and I realized just how thin I got when I looked into the two mirrors in the bathroom of my friend’s apartment. She is on holiday and I collect her mail and I sleep in her bed and on her sofa and I wear her clothes because I’m too lazy to wash my own. Thank god she does not have plants.
These are good days, full of me and myself and I, thinner than usual, but still me and as long as I don’t forget how to laugh about myself it’s all good. Even the iPhone didn’t give up on me. No, it is still working, still playing music with those far too small speakers that make every song sound tinny. And the tinny voice sings “We are the reckless, we are the wild youth, chasing visions of our future. One day we will reveal the truth. That one will die before he gets there.”

I’m sorry I left you.

But not so sorry I would be if I had missed how my iPhone fell into the sink full of steaming hot water and bloody underwear. I heard myself laughing, again.

(October 2013)

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014

Donnerstag, 5. Juni 2014


Who are you
Who are you
Who are you

My favorite bar is yours
We meet on familiar ground

And you patiently listen
You patiently listen

My story is yours
I present it to you
like a neatly wrapped up gift

We are following each other
Without a second thought
Into the well-known unknown

There is something reassuring about you


This record of yours
Never stops playing
Perpetuating, perpetuating
Pe-ne-tra-ting my mind

Repeating patterns
Rhythm of my beating flesh


In your bed
You are tasting me

And your curious gaze
Gazing curiously
Up to me

With my breasts standing firmly
Between your curious face
And my teeth clutching my lips
Your nose all wet

You are satisfying your thirst
In my moisture

Drink me up
Drink me up
Drink me up

Wet and warm hole of mine

And I arrange my body
I arrange my body
Draping myself on this stage of ours


Until morning comes
Your head hidden underneath a pillow

How are you
How are you
How are you

Where are we connected
between our bodies and minds?

Something lingers


Outside it’s bright and light
I walk into a well-known street

Familiar ground
Familiar ground
Familiar ground


Something lingers

I bought the record

And all these things
That make my life what it is


(June 4th 2014)

Montag, 10. März 2014


Passing by a train
I press my fingers onto the waggon
So that at least
My fingerprints travel
To foreign destinations